Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Due Friday, February 14th - Twentieth Century Poetry

Overview and Directions:  I selected a series of poems from the late 20th and 21st century for you to explore.  Use what you learned from our lessons on sonnets as you read the following poems. How does poetic structure (based on sonnet form)  help inform you as you read?  Listen for sound.  Be mindful of your reactions to the poems, then return and see how the poets crafted their work in order to garner these emotions.  In this blog space, share your experiences in a comprehensive piece of writing of 300-500 words.  You may write a little about several (or all) poems, or if one really grabbed you, focus on one poem.  I look forward to your responses.

Sharon Olds

“The B Network”
by Haki Madhubuti 

brothers bop & pop and be-bop in cities locked up
and chained insane by crack and other acts
of desperation computerized in pentagon cellars producing
boppin brothers boastin of being better, best & beautiful.

if the boppin brothers are beautiful where are the sisters
who seek brotherman with a drugless head unbossed or beaten
by the bodacious West?

in a time of big wind being blown by boastful brothers,
will other brothers beat back backwardness to better & best
without braggart bosses beatin butts,
takin names and diggin graves?

beatin badness into bad may be urban but is it beautiful & serious?
or is it betrayal in an era of prepared easy death hangin on
corners trappin young brothers before they know the
difference between big death and big life?

brothers bop & pop and be-bop in cities locked up
and chained insane by crack and other acts
of desperation computerized in pentagon cellars producing
boppin brothers boastin of being better, best, beautiful
and definitely not Black.

the critical best is that
brothers better be the best if they are to avoid backwardness
brothers better be the best if they are to conquer beautiful bigness
Comprehend that bad is only bad if it’s big, Black and better
than boastful braggarts belittling our best and brightest
with bosses seeking inches when miles are better.

brothers need to bop to being Black & bright above board
the black train of beautiful wisdom that is bending this bind
toward a new & knowledgeable beginning that is
bountiful & bountiful & beautiful

While be-boppin to be
better than the test,

better yet write the exam.

"Like Totally Whatever, You Know?" 
by Taylor Mali

"The History Teacher"
by Billy Collins

Trying to protect his students' innocence
he told them the Ice Age was really just
the Chilly Age, a period of a million years
when everyone had to wear sweaters.

And the Stone Age became the Gravel Age,
named after the long driveways of the time.

The Spanish Inquisition was nothing more
than an outbreak of questions such as
"How far is it from here to Madrid?"
"What do you call the matador's hat?"

The War of the Roses took place in a garden,
and the Enola Gay dropped one tiny atom
on Japan.

The children would leave his classroom
for the playground to torment the weak
and the smart,
mussing up their hair and breaking their glasses,

while he gathered up his notes and walked home
past flower beds and white picket fences,
wondering if they would believe that soldiers
in the Boer War told long, rambling stories
designed to make the enemy nod off.

"Sometimes Silence is the Loudest Kind of Noise"
by Basskey Ikpi

"First Hour"
by Sharon Olds

That hour, I was most myself. I had shrugged
my mother slowly off, I lay there
taking my first breaths, as if
the air of the room was blowing me
like a bubble. All I had to do
was go out along the line of my gaze and back,
feeling gravity, silk, the
pressure of the air a caress, smelling on
myself her creamy blood. The air
was softly touching my skin and mouth,
entering me and drawing forth the little
sighs I did not know as mine.
I was not afraid. I lay in the quiet
and looked, and did the wordless thought,
my mind was getting its oxygen
direct, the rich mix by mouth.
I hated no one. I gazed and gazed,
and everything was interesting, I was
free, not yet in love, I did not
belong to anyone, I had drunk
no milk yet—no one had
my heart. I was not very human. I did not
know there was anyone else. I lay
like a god, for an hour, then they came for me
and took me to my mother.

"Sign Language"
by Rives

"The Quest"
by Sharon Olds

The day my girl is lost for an hour,
the day I think she is gone forever and then I find her,
I sit with her a while and then I
go to the corner store for orange juice for her
lips, tongue, palate, throat,
stomach, blood, every gold cell of her body.
I joke around with the guy behind the counter, I
walk out into the winter air and
weep. I know he would never hurt her,
would never take her body in his hands to
crack it or crush it, would keep her safe and
bring her home to me. Yet there are
those who would. I pass the huge
cockeyed buildings, massive as prisons,
charged, loaded, cocked with people,
some who would love to take my girl, to un-
do her, fine strand by fine
strand. These are buildings full of rope,
ironing boards, sash, wire,
iron cords wove in black-and-blue spirals like
umbilici, apartments supplied with
razor blades and lye. This is my
quest, to know where it is, the evil in the
human heart. As I walk home I
look in face after face for it, I
see the dark beauty, the rage, the
grown-up children of the city she walks as a
child, a raw target. I cannot
see a soul who would do it. I clutch the
jar of juice like a cold heart,
remembering the time my parents tied me to a chair and
would not feed me and I looked up
into their beautiful faces, my stomach a
bright mace, my wrists like birds the
shrike has hung up by the throat from barbed wire, I
gazed as deep as I could into their eyes
and all I saw was goodness, I could not get past it.
I rush home with the blood of oranges
pressed to my breast, I cannot get it to her fast enough.

"I'm Losing You"
by Rat Sack

"The Two-headed Calf"
by Laura Gilpin

Tomorrow when the farm boys find this
freak of nature, they will wrap his body
in newspaper and carry him to the museum.

But tonight he is alive and in the north
field with his mother. It is a perfect
summer evening: the moon rising over
the orchard, the wind in the grass. And
as he stares into the sky, there are
twice as many stars as usual.

“there are two kinds of people in the world”
by eric pellerin

book people

real people
            wake up
start a day
            they make decisions
about what to wear
            from a walk in closet
full of clothes
            colors and fabrics
from well known designers
            tommy and ralph and coco
everything contours
they eat healthy
            organic foods
specially prepared
            housed in labeled containers
from container store
            everything tastes fresh
so delicious
            they never crave fried chicken

they put on pretty athletic gear
            sneakers with special shock absorbers
color coordinated
            with clean beads of sweat
they run 10ks around the lake
            with all their friends
see you next week
            they shower surrounded by grecian tile
put on the clothes they laid out for themselves
            from that nice walk in closet full of clothes
set out the night before

they go to work
            in careers they love
having studied at ivy league universities
            get promoted
get bonuses
            go on trips in business class
in freshly pressed clothes
            just a carry on

they fall in love
            with their co workers
or someone they met at a function
            or through a mutual friend
or a high school sweetheart
            or they have affairs
or get married
            or both

they have children
            and love them
and care for them
            and hire someone to care for them
and love them
            and play with them
and love them on the weekends
            and the kids love them
and they grow up
            and repeat the list above
without resentment

they buy things
            oh how they buy things
houses and mansions and fill
            oh how they fill them up
dont forget the walk in closet
            furniture and paintings and vases
breakfast nook
            gotta have a nook
pools motor cycles boats cars
            dont forget the cars
hybrids and suvs and porsches
            something fun
to drive to the beautiful two story weekend house
            by the sea

they have a future
            they know it
they will get old
            look forever young
they will be visited by those loving children
            without resentment

when they die
            they die in their sleep
surrounded by
            real people
who love them
            no pain
no regrets

they go to heaven
            they sit next to god
she smiles
            and says
welcome home
                        welcome home

* * *

book people
read literature
like a set of stereo instructions
for a stereo we dont own
turning the pages over and over and over
desperately trying to figure out
how to make it all work out
like real people do

Billy Collins