Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lesson 4: Important Update - No Due Dates - No Grades - Just Learning Experiences

Poem of the Day: “Meeting a Stranger” by Sharon Olds

Today's Lesson:  Update from the State of Massachusetts on Learning during this crisis.

Hello my friends,

The State of Massachusetts has set guidelines about our learning experiences. At the time of this posting, there will be:
  • No directed curriculum
  • No deadlines
  • No graded assignments
  • Please disregard all due dates and work from Friday, March 13th.  Do not stress out about your grades, etc.  If you would like to complete work, I will accept it, but no one should feel obligated in any way to do work while we are out.
  • Having said that, I will provide resources that have been developed by myself and other members of the English Department on a weekly basis for you to choose from and do if you wish to keep learning and active.
  • For my part, I still want to stay connected with all of you and will continue to post my videos with a "Poem of the Day," sharing some kind of literary experience with all of you.  Again, this is voluntary.
  • We are allowed to finish Wit, as we discussed, so we can have closure. If you want to read another play together, for example, that can be an option, but no one should feel it is expected or that we will do it when we get back, it will be graded, etc.  Again, this is voluntary. We can still have experiences, but they will be more individually based.

I am here for all of you, and if you wish to speak to me through email or the blog you are always welcome.

Best always,

Mr. P.