Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Due Tuesday, December 10th - The Artificial Artist: Writing in the Style of Oscar Wilde

Talent borrows, genius steals – Oscar Wilde

Directions: Write a review of a novel, film, artwork, or other medium as if you were Oscar Wilde (you may also focus on an author, artist, or musician if you wish). This is an exercise in exploring style, as well as substance, which is to say that this will be about nothing, which is everything. This will count as a writing grade.  Please post your completed work in this blog space AND on for a formal grade.  I look forward to your responses!

Part I: Reading Criticism 
The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.

– Oscar Wilde

Peruse the following collection of Oscar Wilde's reviews: A Critic in Pall MallRead “Dinner and Dishes” which is supposed to be a review of an actual book, but Wilde plays on the words and gives a review of his favorite dining areas well as the ones about Shakespeare to get a sense of his critical voice and wit.

Part II: Research 

The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it. – Oscar Wilde

Choice of subject. Choose something, which will lend itself to Wilde’s Wit. Further, if you are to be a critic, you must be knowledgeable. Know your subject inside and out. Content should look like a major essay. Introduce your subject in some way, the body of the document must have detailed evidence and be a pleasure to read with smooth transitions, and a conclusion.

Part III: The Art of the Review 

The difference between literature and journalism is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read. – Oscar Wilde

My advice is to look up modern examples for reviews to help get the basic structure. For example, if you are writing a review of the film like Jaws (1975) look for Roger Ebert’s Movie Reviews or The New Yorker, something with a critical eye.

Part IV: Language and Style 

If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you. – Oscar Wilde

Try to capture the voice and style of Oscar Wilde. Review and read some of his prose. He will get into your head and come out of your pen. Review his epigrams in our previous blog post on Oscar Wilde's Background or visit Goodreads.

Above all, it must be beautiful and adhere to the tenants of Aestheticism.

1) Art never expresses anything but itself.
2) All bad art comes from returning to Life and Nature, and elevating them into ideals.
3) Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.
4) Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things is the proper aim of Art.

Part V: Grading Your Work 

One can only give an unbiased opinion about things that do not interest one, which is no doubt the reason an unbiased opinion is always valueless. The man who sees both sides of a question is a man who sees absolutely nothing. – Oscar Wilde

Use the following list to help guide you in the writing process.  I will be thinking about the following elements when I evaluate your review:
  • What point is the author getting across in the review? Did the students choose a subject that will help showcase the ideas and voice of Oscar Wilde?
  • Does the author have a clear knowledge of the piece being reviewed and makes direct references in the review? 
  • Did the students do the proper research?
  • Does the review showcase the development of idea from the beginning of the argument to the end? Again, does it model modern reviews as well as the reviews of Oscar Wilde?
  • Does the piece sound like Oscar Wilde, consistently?
  • Does the review present the elements of Aestheticism? 
  • Is there an advanced use of vocabulary and diction?
  • Does the author utilize and create epigrams and make proper use of paradox? These tools must be used consistently throughout the piece.
  • Is it an Oscar Wilde way?


  1. John Marshall
    A Block

    The Graduate

    The performance of the Graduate has brought tears to my eyes for the first time in my short life.
    Mike Nichols went against some of my formal ideals regarding asceticism but also brought me pure joy for the first time in a long time. I promise I had something in my eye and the wet spots on my fur coat were only spilled water.

    It wasn't until the curtain closed that I realized the true intent of Nichol's when creating this movie. He hid every metaphor about morality and self worth behind Dustin Hoffman's very different character. Despite these hidden meanings, everything related to sex and seduction is right out in front of the audience and is often thought to have double meanings when they dont. They put the relationship of Mrs. Robinson and Benjamin Braddock for the viewer to see and judge for themselves. I like men who have a future and women who have a past. For this reason, I really enjoy the casting of Mrs. Robinson. Throughout the film, she builds an ominous appearance around Ben and develops more of an identity from her past with her husband who she no longer loves. Ben is introduced in the film as having just graduated from an Ivy League school on the east coast and a possible bright future ahead of him in the plastics field. These two paired with one another led to one of the most interesting couples on the big screen. His true intent of this movie was to encapsulate the nonessential need to figure out one’s life aspirations before the hit 25. Ben has a bright future but has no real desire to do anything after graduating. Though many meanings of the movie are hidden, this meaning is easy to decipher from Benjamin’s lack of motivation to achieve what his parents and friends want him to.

    One of the greatest assets to this movie was the addition of Simon and Garfunkel. Their peaceful harmony heightens many scenes to the point of pure beauty. One scene, in particular, stuck out to me while viewing as particular serene and beautiful. It involved Benjamin driving his graduation gift, a brand new 1966 Alfa Romeo Spider, up the coast of California to UC Berkeley with the intention to get married. He drives along the Golden Gate Bridge while “Scarborough Fair” plays in the background. This scene could’ve been done in 100 different ways but Nichol’s nailed it. He nailed the tranquil nature of the scene with the beautiful panning of the camera and Simon and Garfunkel only add to this feeling.

    I promise that, if you are a true asceticist or anyone else who has a desire to see a beautiful work of art, this movie is right for you.

  2. Evan Meltsakos
    As an outsider of this era I have recently visited two popular “social media” platforms or applications as people like to call them. In my opinion I am still quite confused about the general concept of these two, and why people use them, and I’m not sure if I’m even close to being satisfied or comfortable with them. If someone asked what I thought about communication and connection between society and the world around me, I wouldn’t say much. As I get up at sunrise, to send a message I would write a letter with a feather dipped in ink and use a palm sized stamp to seal it. Or just grab a pigeon real quick and strap the message to his foot. Now that I think about it pigeons are rather useless but also very helpful animals. The use their wings to fly and drop their waste wherever. But they also are handy when you need to send a friend a quick “text”.
    What I have laid my eyes upon is much different, much more complex in dynamics but simple to do. Two applications in which you can continuously post self portraits or photographs of others and share with others near you or around the world. Or even better you can actually use something very similar to a letter or a message to a fellow friend called a “DM”(direct message). To tell you the complete truth I knew that society would fall at some point and this in fact would be the exact reason why. How pathetic, the whole concept of this is just pathetic. But it gets even better…..way better.
    I have also discovered a rather interesting feature to instagram. It has “IG TV” where you can watch videos from different pages as much as you want. To speak the truth that idea excited me the most, I mean might as well forget about going outside and enjoying nature or the beauties of the outside world. Instead I could sit in my bedroom and not see sunlight for the rest of my life...perfect. I cannot thank my mother enough for giving birth to me in this era where the rest of us intelligent individuals are growing and thriving. Unfortunately I do not think these brilliant ideas will come to an end any time soon. Oh how I pity the future of generations to follow. I haven’t even started with “Snapchat” yet dear God. I’m not a big fan of instagram and just don’t see a good output with this product so please tell me what is the point of snapchat because I don’t quite see it. Is there a problem with coming out of your home and seeing other’s faces and having normal dialogue with them because it very much seems so in this generation. Also you are able to attach stories of what you are doing at certain moments of your life, not that anyone cares, but the option is there.
    I am quite frightened as to what will come next but I think the streets will soon become a ghost town due to the fact that no one will need to go out. Although it does seem a distant time from the present, which is good. Maybe that will leave an opportunity for some to realize the catastrophe that has occurred and can do something to repair the damages. What will we see next? Another app which will allow you to comment what is on your mind(if you have one) and will have a logo taking the appearance of a blue bird? Or even better, an app where you can post videos with yourself or friends dancing or doing stupid plays about whatever they want? You can tell how excited I am, I’m just ecstatic for what is to come next, something so silly. I think I have seen enough and would rather travel back to my time where this more sophistication and elegance. The only place with aestheticism and culture where society can enjoy the essence of art, creativity, and beauty. That is an environment with a thriving atmosphere.
    Overall in conclusion this whole “social media” idea went down the wrong side of the road in my opinion but maybe the innovative drive behind it was good. Unfortunately I have lost enough brain cells viewing all this and trying to understand the need for these ridiculous applications. So as my final words to this present generation, well done.

  3. I decided to only review Star Wars episodes I through VI because watching four more movies would have been too much for one weekend. Watching three Star Wars movies per day was no easy task, especially on Saturday when I had to watch Episode II, which is widely regarded as one of the worst Star Wars movies ever made. That being said, here is Oscar Wilde's review of Star Wars, episodes I - VI:

    1. Introduction:

      When I was told that the medium of motion pictures had a very famous saga called Star Wars I thought it would be interesting to see how tiny specks in the sky would fight each other. I soon figured out that this was not the case, but that it was about a long war between two factions of wizards who use “light sabres” which seem to be swords that have the ability to light up and cut through anything. These “light sabres” come in an extraordinarily wide variety of colors, such as blue, green, red and there’s one person who uses a purple “light sabre”. There are only a handful of properly dressed characters throughout the entire saga, and some of the more long-lived characters lose their sense of style over the course of the saga. In fact over the course of the saga most of the main characters either die or become much uglier and then die. Over all, the story is not bad, but the way the characters dress is unbearably bland, and some of the dialogue is so poorly written that I believed I was experiencing my own personal hell. Although I viewed the hexology in numerical order, my review is not organized in that way.

    2. Star Wars Episodes I-III:
      A child grew up in slavery and was forced to join a cult which forbade him from being with the love of his life. This man went against the oppressive cult and loved her anyways, only to lose her to his own arrogance and the path he would take to protect her. If you were to tell me that a story such as this was woven, I would ask you to immediately sit me down in front of this fascinating turn of events.
      My expectations far exceeded the actual quality of the films however, as most of the main characters decide for some reason to dress in rags. There are a surprising number of people who think that they will somehow look more beautiful if they apply so much makeup you wouldn’t be able to tell they are human. Most of these people tend to look different from one another, but it seems to be a collection of movements because there are many who look like other ones.
      In some parts of this trilogy, the dialogue delivered by the characters was so tremendously terrible that I considered not watching the rest of it and just leaving my review here. An example of this is “You’re exactly the way I remember you in my dreams”, a line delivered by Anakin Skywalker to Padmé Amedala in the second film. Anakin is the child I spoke of earlier and Padmé is the love of his life. If I were to say this to another human being, especially one who held political power, I believe I would be imprisoned. The second installment in this series is definitely a gold mine of dialogue that would make anyone want to call the police. Attack of the Clones also ended in a horrendous way with the final scene being the marriage of Padmé and Anakin. As I said in The Importance of Being Earnest “The very essence of romance is uncertainty. If I ever get married, I’ll certainly try to forget the fact”(Act I).
      The first installment of the series is better than the second, but only because I don’t feel like any of the characters are actively dreaming about any of the others. A queen, a middle aged man and his younger side-kick as well as some of the queen’s servants escape a planet on which the queen was being held hostage. Their transport is damaged on their way to another planet and so they stop by yet another planet. It is on this third planet where they meet Anakin for the first time. He is a young child, but that doesn’t stop the middle aged man from risking the child’s life in a dangerous race against multiple people who actively want Anakin dead. The man justifies this because his ship is damaged and he needs money for the repairs. Through gambling the man manages to free Anakin so that Anakin might join a cult that the man is part of. Oddly enough Anakin accepts this “opportunity” to become a member of their cult. The man is thankfully killed and his streak of risking children’s lives for his own personal gain is brought to an abrupt end. For some reason the side-kick takes the man’s dying wish to heart and looks over Anakin and forces other members of the cult to accept him into the cult.

    3. The third installment in the series is by far the best of episodes I-III. A character I haven’t mentioned and won’t mention who played a major part in both of the previous films has no speaking lines in this film, which is a definite plus. Anakin no longer sounds like he is stalking Padmé, but this is probably due to the fact that they’ve already gotten married. I also appreciate that the villains are portrayed either as extremely old, ugly, disfigured, or as a combination of the three. Truly the villains do not deserve the gift of beauty. Anakin goes from one cult that tries to help people, to another that tries to kill them. The reason given is that he wants to save his wife from death, however it is apparent that this transition might have been accidental. He is responsible for the death of one of the high ranking members of his cult, and so must leave it. However, he did not think that his actions would result in the death of this person, and so accidentally ruined his life.
      Overall, this trilogy is a cautionary tale about the consequences of your actions. This can clearly be seen by the fact that Padmé didn’t think about marrying Anakin and ended up dead by the end of the trilogy due to the fact that she married someone who said “You’re exactly the way I remember you in my dreams”. Normally I don’t agree with art having a purpose more than being art, but if a cautionary tale about marrying people who say things like that is needed, so be it.

      Star Wars Episodes IV-VI:

      The child of the now “evil” Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker must go on an adventure of discovery, espionage, friendship, and unintentional incest. His father’s only friend from the now-disbanded cult that Anakin now vows to destroy, “Old Ben” Kenobi, forces Luke to try and rebuild this cult. He does this by “training” him in the ways of “The Force”. Once Kenobi dies, he sends Luke to continue his training on a remote swamp planet with the leader of the old cult, Yoda. Eventually Luke’s rebellion force has a decisive victory against “The Empire”, which is portrayed as brutally evil.
      The fourth installment of the series is set 19 years after the events of the third. Kenobi did not age well, however he has a surprising amount of hair for a 57 year old. In this galaxy fashion sense seems to deteriorate over time. For some reason, the creators of this motion picture and the others of the trilogy seemed to trade good story for camera and “special effects” quality. If one were to watch this installment of Star Wars first, I believe they might mistake this film to be the first because the film does not call it “Episode IV: A New Hope” in the opening title sequence, but simply “Star Wars”. Overall, this film is of a higher quality than most of the previous three.
      The fifth installment is titled “Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back”, which is odd because they seem to have accidentally not numbered the previous film. Nevertheless, as the fifth installment, and due to the content of the story, it is very aptly named. In the beginning of the movie, Luke, with seemingly no prior knowledge of how to use “The Force” to his advantage, attracts his “Light Sabre” to him using “The Force”. The quality of the visuals has not substantially increased since the last installment, but then again, the quality of the story has not substantially diminished either. I am glad to see that Anakin has gotten over the dark period in his life where he dreamed about women and courted them by telling them that fact, and is now mercilessly slaughtering all who would oppose him. There is a moment towards the end of the film, which should seem obvious to the viewer, but seems to be built up as a surprise. That moment is, of course, when Anakin tells Luke that he is, in fact, Luke’s father. I have no idea if the people in charge of creating this film were unaware that there was already a movie in which Anakin’s children are born and one of them is named Luke, but at the very least it seems that they have forgotten.

    4. The final installment of the hexology which tells the story of Anakin Skywalker begins with a plot to save Luke’s friend from the clutches of a giant slug named “Jabba the Hutt”. Jabba’s undoing is the mistake of bringing the droids that Luke presented to him as a gift to the attempted execution of Luke. I do not understand why Luke did not just bring a bag of salt with him to confront Jabba, as that would surely do the job, but he did not. Luke has been successfully brainwashed by Yoda and Kenobi to not give in to his emotions and he refuses to join his father and the emperor, risking his life in the process. There are also small, primitive creatures that serve as comic relief in the realm of physical humor. They seem to worship C-3PO, a robotic companion of Luke, as a god, although the reason for this is never explained.

      Final Thoughts:
      Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of art. In truth, this series is a beautiful work of art. It has fantasy, hopeful untruths about the advancement of technology, adventure and romance. It tells the rise, fall, and redemption of a man who was pulled away from his homeworld and mother by an oppressive cult at the young age of nine. The points in time in which each of these three things were happening is up to the perspective of the viewer. Did he fall when his mother died? Or did he fall when he accidentally killed a leading member of the cult he followed? I would heartily recommend this hexology of motion pictures to someone, as long as they’re willing to sit through some dreadfully terrible dialogue in order to reach the better parts of the saga. Overall, the storytelling is phenomenal and beautifully artistic. I enjoyed this experience very much.

  4. Michael Dutton
    Mr Pellerin
    Dramatic Literature
    The spongebob Squarepants Movie has a type of beginning to a film that catches your eye, it begins with the disappointment for the main character. Spongebob is very confident in the fact that he will get promoted and he is telling everyone he is sure of it that he will get the raise. He gets denied since he won't change how he approaches obstacles in life, since he acts like a “child” squidward (spongebob's coworker and neighbor). Then we cut to a scene where some sort of metal object that speaks to a piece of plankton looks very bland and unpleasant as the plankton is very interesting and evil and will not change for anyone. He has one main goal to steal a formula for a sandwich that makes Mr Krabs spongebob's boss a lot of money. He has failed so many times at acquiring this recipe he has gone from plan A-Y.
    The Movie has a strange take on what makes a “man” according to Mindy the King's daughter says all you have to be to be a true manly man is to have a piece of seaweed on your lip. I believe a Man is someone who doesn't change according to society. Spongebob did not get the higher status in the workplace because he is considered a child and not ready. I believe the lower classes have much better work ethic and the rich have too much free time. Although spongebob is taken on a task to get the kings crown back in a deadly journey across the sea. He takes along his best friend named Patrick they seem to really adore each other and have a bond that cannot be broken by any means. As they are traveling they have a few obstacles a fish that has a slick black leather look and he gets crushed by an underwater man. As they continue on their journey you can see the man that crushed the other man at the beginning is the villain.
    They find out that the crown was stolen by plankton a weird small creature and he sent it across the sea casun this whole situation to begin, this was his plan Z to from spongebob's boss so he could grab the formula. Spongebob takes the quest to free his boss, Patrick goes along with him. I believe spongebob should cherish patrick since not many people have loyal friends like him. As the story continues the pair of friends continue to grow their bond deeper and deeper, at one point they have a great connection that truly shows the importance of life while they are laying under the hot light that's killing them slowly spongebob sheds a tear and it shows the importance of emerging your feelings into the real world and how it just might save you.
    They end up returning the crown to the king and Mr Krabs is obviously very happy since he doesn't get prosecuted for a ridiculous crime, that he did not commit. This adventure story of these two underwater creatures is very well put together. The underlying themes of the movie stick out in ways where you don't even notice, for example how society puts rules on certain people can not do based on race or gender, like spongebob and Patrick not being able to complete the journey since to go across the sea since you had to be a “man”. They only pretended to be men the whole way and returned the crown and became heroes. In my eyes this represents how you don't really have to conform to society's rules to accomplish your goal in life.

  5. The Grinch who stole Christmas was a story of a spontaneous green creature living in a snowflake with the hoos from Hooville. Sounds like something only a pure wacko could come up with. But, the story of the Grinch does not only teach us what’s important, it shows us that everybody is important. The Grinch was bullied to a point of disgust from being too hairy to just being plain ugly. The people were not afraid to express their opinions either, especially come the holidays. As we may all have our high school sweetheart, the Grinch had his eyes on a girl when he was much younger. This girl being the young and beautiful Martha May Whovier, who seemed to be the only girl to show the Grinch a bit of sympathy. After being bullied for having too much hair, he has a huge meltdown in his room and shaves his beard to look good for his elementary school crush, Martha May. Unfortunately, things just get worse from then on forcing The Grinch to flea the civilization of Whoville, and to hate Christmas for the rest of his life. He is now alone, grown up, and the people that grew up with him are also grown up living in Whoville. The grinch though… he is located at a mountain not far from the town. Although, if you were a hoo from Whoville, it was known that it is not okay to mess with The Grinch because ever since the incident he is a foul and mean person. Dr. Seuss really does show you the impact that a being can take after being bullied. A genius message really, especially with social media, it is a funny and witty way to show you the troubles of bullying. The Grinch accidentally stumbled across an innocent little girl, Cindy Loo Who, when in the post office. The girl, rather than being scared, was very welcoming to the green monster in front of her eyes. This causes The Grinch to ultimately wrap her up like a present for her dad to find her. And ever since that, Cindy was hooked on getting The Grinch to enjoy the holidays as well. In a scene where he is stealing the little girl’s Christmas Tree, dressed up as Santa, the girl mentions something to “Santa” before he leaves. She says “Santa, don’t forget the Grinch, I know he’s mean, and angry, and smelly, and his hands might be cold and clammy. But, I actually think he’s kind of sweet”. The Grinch, stealing Christmas from the little girl, replies, “SWEET? you think he’s sweet?”. As he is saying this, the guilt across his face multiplied by 2. But then, reassured us by saying so no one could hear him besides the audience, “Nice kid… Baaaad judge of character”. Talking about himself with that remark, it is my favorite line from the whole movie.

  6. Other than the plot part of the story, there were some great elements to this movie. Including a stellar Soundtrack of the beloved song “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch”. And awesome visual effects in the flashback to the Grinch’s childhood. Also the physical effects that they did to all the actors in the movie, especially getting Jim Carey to put on an A+ performance while covered in nothing but green fur. The facial expressions along with the facial structure was key to this part, and I think Jim Carey has a great face for acting and fits the funny, loud personality that The Grinch is. Out of all of the Grinch movies made, If you do not think this is the best one, I would recommend seeing medical help. Not only is it my favorite variation, it is my favorite Christmas movie of all time. It shows us to value our family and the people we love, because that is what impacts us the most on the holidays. Not the presents. The society of Whoville really needed their presents taken away to realize the true meaning of Christmas. It is truly a beautifully crafted plot line with an interesting cast to support it, and when my kids get old enough to comprehend movies, this will be the first Christmas movie. “Narrator: And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!”.

  7. Kate Lyons
    Dramatic Lit
    Not Your Average Christmas Movie
    During the film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation the Griswald family is the poster child for despising your parents and family. Clark Griswald, is your average family man, thinks his family loves and adores him, but they really despise him for having such big and extravagant ideas that will never come true. In the piles of garbage that we call Christmas movies, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is not in this pile, its is remarkably funny and entertaining disregarding the cheesy and corny jokes they make throughout the film, sure to make your father laugh. All of Clark Griswold's family members are their own kind of scrooge, they all are lacking their christmas spirit, they roll their eyes at Clark when he tries to make this christmas one to remember. “Children may begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.” - Oscar Wilde. This movie has shown what a real families do on Christmas, rather than your average Hallmark special where everyone is happy and their christmas is perfect. As we all know, not one holiday with your whole entire family is going to be perfect, it will actually be the exact opposite of perfect. The classic fighting between the two sets of in-laws and the crazy redneck cousins were a nice touch, but Chevy Chase seems to drop their characters as a whole and only have the main characters talking while a group of 18 stand there and gasp like they are somewhat good at acting. Overall this movie was great because it made all your classic Christmas movies look like a snooze fest, but there are so many places where Chevy could have improved the movie completely

  8. Regan Grygiel
    Often times movies that are directed and starred by the same actor, are meant to boost the already too high self-esteem of the star; but Bradley Cooper was pleasantly surprising in the role of Jack. Since this was the third remake of the film, I was expecting Bradley Cooper to modernize the film using Lady Gaga’s outlandish style and talent. Bradley Cooper shocked the whole audience in the opening scene with his angelic voice; but I was much more taken aback by the natural look of Lady Gaga and the real feeling of love that they expressed through the screen.
    I rearranged in my seat to a more comfortable position as my low expectations were passed soon after the movie began. From the one stage performances, to the lonely drinking nights and far into the desert following the lovers I always felt like I was 10 feet away from them watching their story write itself right before my eyes. Not only did I feel like I was right there with them, but I felt trapped inside a world of beauty and fear. It was a feeling like unkind something I’ve ever felt before. Aestheticism in the movie was not as prominent as I would have liked to see. Though the scenery and selectiveness by Bradley Cooper to make the movie look and feel real, the plot followed unsolvable problems- like love and death.
    There are some things that are meant to be dead… like food. “I want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead”. But love, “love is stronger than death is”, and Marysia Janik must’ve not known that when she first wrote the movie in 1937. Though based on a true story, the truthfulness of said story is rather untruthful to say the least. It is written from the eyes of the uncertain. Someone unlike me, because I am always certain. Just like how I am certain this movie goes against everything I believe, but I would watch it a thousand times over again.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sophia Moheban
    Oscar Wilde Review on Home Alone

    I have decided to write a review on Home Alone. I did in fact watch all of them in one sitting yes. Let me tell you it started great then went downhill from there. I enjoyed the first one and the second one was okay. Third and fourth were a waste of my time and in fact i'm not sure why I watched the last one. I was just not amused. I will write my review only on the first Home Alone, the others just get a 2.1/10 review and that's it. Again, a waste of my time.
    “Home Alone” is about an 8 year old boy who gets stuck at home while his family goes away for Christmas. I found this movie very entertaining. It was funny to me. Although the kid was cute and smart, most of his little traps were much too brainy for such a young boy. I did in fact love the burglars. They were to dumb to catch all to all the small little tricks the boy Kevin had. I found that the relationship between the two burglars, Harry and Marv, was hysterical. They constantly fought and bickered. But the part I did not enjoy as much was how Kevin had the ideas to do all this. I mean it was good tricks, but how does such a young boy with not much knowledge come up with that? Also Im not too sure what age group this is for, I thought this was a young kids movie. But instead I was hearing some bad language, which was very surprising for me. There were also threats in the movie which doesn't fit well for younger kids. Although it was a good laugh for me, this shouldn't be a kids movie. But then again kids should be able to deal with it. I read a few other reviews and the mothers went crazy. In all, I thought that the series was very i mean very disappointing. Home Alone the first one was pretty good. The others just didn't do me any justice. Also be aware of profanities and threats! Make sure your kids are old enough for this ‘kid’ movie. Most other reviews I read before I wrote this was about how family around the holidays are so important. I just wanted to tell everyone to not waste their time and only watch the first one.

  11. Nolan Brezinski
    Mr. Pellerin
    Oscar Wilde Review

    Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

    This episode of Star Wars drastically changes the fate of the entire saga. It is where Anakin Skywalker in the eyes of the fans makes a hideously horrid decision to join the dark side and oppose everyone who raised him into the great Jedi that he is. The reptile of a human being, Emporer Palpatine, makes him choose between being loyal to him and being loyal to the council of the Jedi. Ultimately, Palpatine uses his scummy persuasiveness to turn Anakin to the dark side. In addition to this choice, he also finds out that his ever so careless wife is having a baby which adds an immense amount of stress to “The chosen one”. What ultimately turns him to the dark side is Palpatine convinces him that the cruel powers of the dark side will offer him the ability to save his wife from death in childbirth which he has foreseen. Karma eventually finds it's way to Anakin as his old master, Obi-Wan Kanobi, strikes him down. Palpatine finds Anakin’s burnt up crippled body and brings him back to life and turns him into Darth Vader, his new apprentice. Palpatine, who we find out is the Sith Lord that the Jedi have been looking for, now has a new apprentice that makes the Sith much stronger and possibly turn the tides of the war between the Republic and Imperials. Although the Anakin turned to the dark side so he could save Padme from death, he ends up accidentally killing her when she disapproves of his switch to the dark side. This sends dumb Anakin into a deep pit of hated and anger, which are the characteristics that the sith are described to have.

    -Nolan Brezinski

  12. Sean Healey
    Block A
    Return of the Jedi: a review
    Upon the opening scene I found even myself an established scholar pondering at the large yellow words as they zoomed by with such speed that you cannot understand, and that awful yellow lettering fills me with disgust. A sluggish figure was presented to me at the very start of the showing, this thing was of the likes I’ve never seen before he was bulging out of his throne and could only utter mere moans, quite a peculiar creature indeed. His garb was of the utmost disgrace and he was covered in cloth which looked to me to be from the likes of the slums. My disgust of their values of beauty did not end there, what appeared to be a three man orchestra started making sounds that would make even the bravest soldiers run in terror, truly a disgrace to have it entered my ear. Such creatures were abroad this machine could make the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight, they looked putting it lightly extremely ugly. Luke the main character was made to walk the plank when coming to rescue his friends and his dog although his dog walks on his hind legs and was displayed in handcuffs which left me pondering at the sight. However Luke and his posse lead a mutiny aboard the ship as his rubbish can with wheels catapulted him a sword yet color of his blade was so elegant and pleasing to the eye that I sent a letter to George Lucas himself asking for my own. As I viewed their escape quite a pleasant melody filled my head, finally something familiar which ought to have been produced from London, a lovely touch of home as I view such an otherworldly, strange, and ugly world. Transitioning through the stars I gazed at the large screen, until a morbid half sphere of grey appeared I’ve never seen such an architectural feat be so ill favored in it’s looks. As you are brought inside this chunk of metal referred to as the Death Star, I was under the impression that it was a masquerade party looking upon all these masked faces I soon learned that this blasphemy of an outfit was their uniforms, how utterly unpleasing.
    Luke is now on his voyage to a place called dagobah, the names of these places are becoming increasingly strange, and is attempting to meet a so called, “Master Yoda”. As he attempts to land his machine he lands knee deep in a swamp in a land which seems to have never known the plagues of society, quite an intriguing spot for a country house. Indeed this land is quite intriguing and gives me memories of reading about Francisco de Orlenna’s first trip to the amazonian jungle, spooky yet unequivocally beautiful - the sight of untouched nature. Indeed you could escape society and your problems in this mysterious place. Luke then enters the home of Yoda - a small being yet an even smaller house. This so called Yoda’s house was ripped from a fairytale, a never ending tree with roots like tentacles all the while Luke and Master Yoda discuss the fate of this increasingly confusing universe and then Yoda disappears into thin air - If I could learn how to do this I could escape family life forever! Yet you soon learn of the threat on the horizon as Luke attempts to turn his father back from the dark side. Along the way the encounter what looks to be small bears, yet they're looks deceive you these tiny creatures are dangerous but they like leia allowing the rebels to use them to their advantage. As the rebels begin to launch their attack on what I can only see as a floating ball of garbage, Luke finds himself in a desperate effort to turn his father back. Yet upon destroying a rebel ship Luke is enraged and merely slices his own bloody fathers arm off, The wrinkled up old man then somehow unleashes pure electricity on Luke. Yet Instead of an exciting duel between the three Luke's father is redeemed and kills the old man, what a bore. Luke's comrades then succeed in destroying the death star and I must say what a job by the rebels if I had to look at that ugly grey ball for another second it’d make me queasy.

  13. Seinfeld
    I came across this show named “Seinfeld” with a bunch of disgusting low class people with unethical names that face an awful amount of conflict and do not know how to live life to perfection. I watched a couple of episodes and I have a lot of neatly written thoughts about the episodes.
    The first episode I watched was called “The Doorman”. In this show, I find an unpleasantly dressed character named “Kramer” that I cannot desire to look at because of his hideous attire. But his hair, is so luscious, it looks like the grass from my lovely landscaped backyard. Also his intelligence level is breathtaking. A marvelous example is when he came up with an idea called “the bro” that awfully lacks a name for this thing. But when I found what “the bro” was, I was instantly attracted to him. The way he held up that man bra called “the bro”, he looked like a different man, he was the most gorgeous man I have seen in my lifetime. I do not picture him in his disgusting looking clothes anymore, I just picture him as a very attractive man holding a man bra. I need to get this bra so I can look as gorgeous as he does. The way he came up with this idea was amazing. It can relate to this quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Talent borrows. Genius steals!”. This quote can relate to this idea because he stole the idea of a regular bra and just turning it into a man bra calling it “the bro”.
    The next episode I came across was “The Marine Biologist”. At the beginning of the episode, a gentleman named “Jerry” that is walking in a very disgusting and muggy environment comes across an old friend from college named “Diane”. But who needs education these days because it is so ancient. But this peasant “Jerry” acts so natural to this other peasant “Diane” and others people in the show. I am outrageously surprised that no other woman wants to spend the rest of their life with him because of his ability to be himself. This can relate to a quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”. Then Jerry's friend named “George” used to be in love with “Diane”. Then sad enough, that I don't find surprising at all, George falls back in love with Diane. So Jerry tells Diane that George is a “Marine Biologist” because George was talking about whales with Jerry earlier. Of course, Diane believes Jerry. Knowing George, I know exactly why he goes along with it, it is because it sounds good and sounds better than saying he does not have a job and lives with his parents. This can relate to a quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things”. Even though George looks like a very small unattractive human being (mainly because he is bald), I adore his personality because he lies all the time and that is such a precious part of his character to tell lies. His personality is much more larger than his height. Later on in the episode, George and Diane are walking on the beach when they find a beached whale. Now George has to use his “Marine Biology skills” to save this whale. Surprisingly enough, he saved the whale. Then Diane became even more in love with this rat George. What type of woman as beautiful as her goes after a gross looking bald guy who wear glasses. Definitely not me. But these episodes of “Seinfeld” is too modern and realistic for me. But the way the character of these people are just astonishing to me.

  14. Paige Bukowski
    Review: Monsters Inc
    At night your closet becomes a new realm as a child, it's not just filled with garments and shoes it's an endless portal of odd looking creatures. Under your bed isn't just an empty dark space, it’s filled with monstrous figures lingering for you to close your eyes and fall asleep just see you wake and frighten the living soul out of you. Creatures of all shapes and sizes on the other side of that door, a green one eyed sphere shape figure with legs as thin as a stick named Mike, a large blue and green long haired creature with claws named Sully and the largest sized lizard type creature you could possibly imagine in your wild mind (Randall).The film starts when “Monstropolis” has a crisis of children not getting easily scared, which I think is a good thing that children can sleep peacefully through the night and not have what I would describe as, crazy minded creatures interrupting them to make them scream but.. What would I know! Due to the children not being frightened they have a “scream shortage” leading to an energy shut down in their chaotic town. Leadership of this crisis comes down to Sully, the blue and green peculiar bear like monster with the leading amount of scream power. Mike (the phobic) and Sully, although best friends they are hilariously complete opposites. Sully has courage and he is devoted while Mike on the other hand is seemingly phobic and tremendously as I would call.. a spaz. We see that it's not just the kids scared of the monsters, the monsters are scared of the kids as well and we see that when they meet a child named Boo who’s ironically named after the monsters job. Boo isn't quite scared of the monsters like other children and how Sully and Mike are truly startled to see her, the hideous thing that he had hidden away would no longer be a terror to her. Paradoxically there are screams received on both sides of the closet door, hysterically just as frightened as the kids may get the monsters get just as startled which leads this film to be comical. The mischievous ways these creatures find a way into childrens houses are specifically made in the town of Montropolis so that no one knows they don't come into their homes while they are in a peaceful slumber.The monsters great take care of Boo, they hide her so the other monsters have not a single clue that she's a human being and they end up truly caring for her. You see the sorrow in Mike and Sullys faces to put her back to bed in her house and leave. Monsters Inc is a thrilling, energizing pixar movie that brings out cheer and joy to many children and parents.

  15. Adriana DeSantis
    Growing up, a child can live without a parents care, however, they can not live without the opportunity and lessons you learn from a caregiver. Growing up, children need guidance throughout their life as they often don’t completely learn from their own mistakes. In the film Elf first presented in 2003, we are displayed with a “man child” who goes by the name of Buddy who enjoys Santa like a young child as he was unusually raised by elves. He presents with a juvenile infant like behavior as his isolation in the North Pole has tremendously affected his social skills with adults his own age. When he departed himself from that environment in an attempt to uncover his biological parents who lived in New York City, he become awkwardly astonished with the two contrasting atmospheres. He analyzed just about everything as he disgustingly ate gum off of railings and oddly fell asleep in a store bed. I would like to display my opinion as he is quite an odd man. The contrast in the two environments make this man seem like he was dropped on his head as a child. Further into the film, Buddy discovers his father however, his father believes that he is some funny joke to laugh at as he is an adult in an elf costume. Everyone given the unfortunate opportunity to be in Buddy’s presence are astonished with his appearance and child like persona. Throughout the film, he finds himself adventuring off to atmospheres that make him feel most comfortable, Santa's workshop. As no one is shocked by this news, he then proceeds to navigate himself to shopping plazas and department stores and lands himself in a store with Santa. Buddy being raised by elves is knowledgeable about the truth of who the real Santa. He then proceeds to make a mockery of himself by proclaiming that the Santa presented in the store for the children is a fake. He shortly finds himself causing a tremendous amount of chaos as his child like side comes out in a battle to the death with Santa. As the film progresses, he somehow figures out how to louer his father in and he gives Buddy the benefit of the doubt and allow him a chance to get to know him. As their relationship flourishes, Buddy’s father actually likes him which seems very strange. His relationship with his newly introduced family opens Buddy's eyes to a different life than the one he has had all his life. We later uncover Buddy’s love for Jovie towards the end of the film. In all honesty, Buddy has grown up and has started acting much more mature than his past santa loving personality. In the conclusion of the film, we are presented with Buddy, his wife, and child back in the North Pole, I don’t know why he would want to go back their. He appears to be happy and comfortable towards the end of the film and they leave us with that last scene. This film was interesting in the sense that it showed the viewers someone finding their biological parents, which could be relatable to many viewers.

  16. The movie starts with Tony making these stiff men in camouflage laugh while they’re on the road. Suddenly, flames are surrounding him as the vehicle he was in was blown to pieces by these flying metal things called missiles. He is then struck by one with his last name written on it. Ironic that one thing that gave him his wealth and power almost kills him. Tony is captured by enemies of the United States who force him to build the missile he had previously fired off before him and his vehicle were blown up. Instead of giving in, with this powerful orb on his chest, a suit of armor is constructed and used to escape capture. I don’t get how ignorant of a host you have to be to let the richest man on Earth walk out of your capture with a huge loud suit, and not even notice. Tony Stark’s character is unusual for that of a hero, but intriguing nonetheless. With power comes responsibility within the average hero, but not him. The most immature man has the world in his grasp. As the film progresses, we learn that his capturing isn’t the greatest threat he faces, rather, it is one of his closests friends and executive’s at his company Obidiah Stane. Unlike the dragon or the evil king, the enemies in Iron Man are an everyday threat in terrorism and a backstabbing friend. As the story comes to an end, of course with Iron Man coming out on top, as his assistant Pepper Potts helps save Tony and the two live happily ever after, or do they. Surprisingly, no ending of two lovers is seen which was another choice astray from the cliche hero's journey. Overall, I enjoyed the film a lot more than I anticipated. The filming was great, with heartfelt moments, intense action, and witty jokes (personally me favorite part). Rather than a man made of iron, the story is unexpected with lots of twists and unexpected character traits leading the way to a great story.

    Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of art. This movie is a beautiful work of art. With the hope of future technology, while also a very human storyline in adventure and love, Iron Man shows the journey of a cocky selfish man who became aware and selfless of his actions, while also fighting crime in an unrealistic metal suit. The question is what changed him. Was it his capturing scaring him, getting him thinking of himself as a person? Or seeing the consequences of his actions? Or a mix of both? I would definitely recommend the viewing of this amazing movie; I promise you won't be disappointed, unless you were expecting people all made of metal.

  17. From request, I'll be reviewing the "KPOP" group A.C.E., which many have complimented. In reviewing their songs, I won't be reviewing everything here. Lets start with their songs from their first album, Adventure in Wonderland.

    Take Me Higher (Title Track)
    Probably my favorite out of all their songs. It’s quite energetic, to some degree, and more light-hearted and sweet. The “music video”, which showcased the song, is very colourful, bright, and brings forth a feeling of happiness and fun; even the choreography is fun. Though one of the members wasn’t there to film this; apparently they were in another group for some reason unknown to myself; the whole video was separated by pairing the rest of the members together, 2-2.

    They apparently released this song before this album, they even debuted with this song, making me wonder why this isn’t the “title track”, but oh well. The genre of this piece is “Eurobeat”, which I now conclude is probably my least favorite genre. Besides the chorus, the song is quite uplifting, though I don’t understand what them being cactus’ means.

    5TAR (Incompletion)
    The reason why this is incomplete, from what I’ve gathered, is because of the member which I mentioned before, so they weren’t able to record the full version.

    For their debut, which was CACTUS (released before this album), they were really quite adventurous. They wore “hotpants”, from what I was able to collect, which are basically like somewhat short-short pants. Apparently many people disliked how they dressed, which I cannot possibly understand why. They wore those “hotpants” with confidence and seemed not to care about the opinions of basically anyone, even the CEO of the company they worked under; I will state that I’m somewhat surprised that this “CEO” didn’t seem to have a say on what they wore.

    They wore more “normal” outfits for this album, unlike their debut, though they did wear something called a “crop top”, which is still revealing in its own manner. This doesn’t bring me displeasure though, their outfits are still quite fitting for them and their “title track”.

    1. On to their second album, UNDER COVER.

      Under Cover (Title Track)
      “Rock” is the genre of this album and song, which they use instruments; though none of the members actually played the instruments, they were just used to make the music. This song was much more… “hard-hitting” and seemingly focused on possibly cheating? I don’t completely know, the message escaped me by the end.

      Do It Like Me
      I feel as though this song is completely correct in its message of doing what A.C.E. is doing; though not the direct message, my point still stands. I was able to sing along after the first chorus, which is always a plus.

      5TAR (Complete Version)
      It was quite difficult to find this song since they only released it on a “C.D.” and no “digital”. That missing member has finally returned and completed this piece which makes most of their fans cry, showing the strong emotions conveyed by this.

      Instead of “hotpants” they wore “crop tops”, shirts which revealed their abdomens. Same as last time, they wore them with great confidence and only occasionally became embarrassed.

    2. And now, their most recent album, UNDER COVER: THE MAD SQUAD.

      SAVAGE (Title Track)
      This song seems to showcase their more “serious” side, if you could call it that. Less singing and more “rapping”, it’s somewhat more fastpaced and transitions from member to member are quite smooth; though the singing parts, mainly the bridge, are still as high as I’d hoped. I quite like how the last chorus was changed up and felt more energetic, a wonderful ending.

      Intro: escape
      Though short, it’s a wonderful introduction to this album. It’s eerier than the rest of their works, which is brought when more to light with the choreography which goes along with it. The guest dancer they had at the beginning truly gives of chills, in an absolutely wonderful way; her ability to seemingly stare straight into your soul is hauntingly beautiful.

      Take Me Higher (Complete Version)
      Not different from the other version, just that the missing member finally inserted his parts into the piece.

      Fully covered this time, their style of apparently inspired by a movie, which I’ve heard isn’t the best, but still enjoyable. They really do embody the “mad squad” part of their album; loose, messy clothing which are still appealing to one member having extremely bright green hair and their makeup really completes everything.

      I quite enjoyed their music, though I don't fully understand everything, in one way or another. I very must encourage many of you to listen to them, even if you don't understand them.

  18. Seinfeld
    I came across this show named “Seinfeld” with a bunch of disgusting low class people with unethical names that face an awful amount of conflict and do not know how to live life to perfection. I watched a couple of episodes and I have a lot of neatly written thoughts about the episodes.
    The first episode I watched was called “The Doorman”. In this show, I find an unpleasantly dressed character named “Kramer” that I cannot desire to look at because of his hideous attire. But his hair, is so luscious, it looks like the grass from my lovely landscaped backyard. Also his intelligence level is breathtaking. A marvelous example is when he came up with an idea called “the bro” that awfully lacks a name for this thing. But when I found what “the bro” was, I was instantly attracted to him. The way he held up that man bra called “the bro”, he looked like a different man, he was the most gorgeous man I have seen in my lifetime. I do not picture him in his disgusting looking clothes anymore, I just picture him as a very attractive man holding a man bra. I need to get this bra so I can look as gorgeous as he does. The way he came up with this idea was amazing. It can relate to this quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Talent borrows. Genius steals!”. This quote can relate to this idea because he stole the idea of a regular bra and just turning it into a man bra calling it “the bro”.
    The next episode I came across was “The Marine Biologist”. At the beginning of the episode, a gentleman named “Jerry” that is walking in a very disgusting and muggy environment comes across an old friend from college named “Diane”. But who needs education these days because it is so ancient. But this peasant “Jerry” acts so natural to this other peasant “Diane” and others people in the show. I am outrageously surprised that no other woman wants to spend the rest of their life with him because of his ability to be himself. This can relate to a quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”. Then Jerry's friend named “George” used to be in love with “Diane”. Then sad enough, that I don't find surprising at all, George falls back in love with Diane. So Jerry tells Diane that George is a “Marine Biologist” because George was talking about whales with Jerry earlier. Of course, Diane believes Jerry. Knowing George, I know exactly why he goes along with it, it is because it sounds good and sounds better than saying he does not have a job and lives with his parents. This can relate to a quote by Oscar Wilde when he says “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things”. Even though George looks like a very small unattractive human being (mainly because he is bald), I adore his personality because he lies all the time and that is such a precious part of his character to tell lies. His personality is much more larger than his height. Later on in the episode, George and Diane are walking on the beach when they find a beached whale. Now George has to use his “Marine Biology skills” to save this whale. Surprisingly enough, he saved the whale. Then Diane became even more in love with this rat George. What type of woman as beautiful as her goes after a gross looking bald guy who wear glasses. Definitely not me. But these episodes of “Seinfeld” is too modern and realistic for me. But the way the character of these people are just astonishing to me.


  19. Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a movie starring Ray Liotta as “Henry Hill” Joe Pesci as “Tommy DeVito” and Robert De Niro as “Jimmy Conway”. The Movie is about how Henry gets his in with an organized crime mob and rises to power through it. It showcases what it was like to have power and what organized crime culture was like.
    Henry Hill in the beginning of the movie is shown doing small tasks for the mob yet still getting a good cut of money. Henry loves being a part of this mob and feels powerful, although his family may not like it. His family sees that he is cutting classes because of letters from the school and his dad ends up beating him. When Henry tells the mob they beat the mailman and tell him not to deliver those kinds of letters to Henry’s house. I think scenes like this are a good showcase of just how much power the mob has. They can do whatever they want and no one will say a thing to them. In another early scene where a guy gets shot outside the little diner across from Henry’s house, Henry tries to help him, but one of the mobsters tells him not to. The man tells him it’s a waste of towels, but Henry ends up helping him anyway. This shows that despite being a cold blooded mobster he still cares for people.
    Overall the story shows how Henry Hill rises and falls as a mobster with power. Every good thing must come to an end at some point, unfortunately for Henry. The story is narrated by Henry and sometimes by other characters in Henry’s inner circle. I feel this adds a good aspect to the movie actually being a story. It shows a little bit of character in Henry and how he misses being a mobster. Goodfellas is a great Movie, beautifully shot, well thought out, and an amazing watch.

    - Michael Mazzarese

  20. Justina Reppucci
    Oscar Wilde Review

    Netflix created a high production movie in the year 2017. It is called “Bird Box” starring Sandra Bullock. Based on Josh Malerman’s novel this movie is set a journey through the end of the world as this entity kills anyone who looks at it. It goes back and forth between flashbacks and then real time present. Malorie played by Sandra, is trying to stay alive with a group of survivors. I did enjoy how the story was like this because we got to see what conflicts could arise between all of the survivors and we were always on the edge of the seat. The story starts off with a big foreshadow for the rest of the movie. Malore and two kids are racing down a river which leads us to believe that all of the people we see in the flashbacks are going to die. Soon enough we see them die off one by one with exciting action scenes. There is this dark force that you can't see but it's outside so it forces them to stay inside or when they do go outside the most cover their eyes so they are not tempted to look at this mysterious unknown thing. Since no one can see what it is this also adds a lot more mystery for us and makes us think and question a lot of different things. They show us that when someone does look at this “thing” you instantly make yourself die.
    For it being a Netflix original I am impressed with how decent this movie is. All of the netflix originals I have seen have turned out to be awful. I'm not giving them applause but it was an okay movie and I was definitely expecting it to be repulsive bad. The quality of this movie is something that we have never seen before for Netflix and has never been done before by them. From netflix we are used to acting so bad that it makes you cringe. So I was surprised to see actors like Sandra Bullock, Trevante Rhodes, Jacki Weaver, Danielle Macdonald, Sarah Paulson, and John Malkovich. One thing I can say that did well on was manataning the right aethstetic of this movie throughout the whole thing. We were on the edge of our seats with scares and the movie stayed dark and creepy consistently. The colors and mood was kept grey, sad and dark which was the perfect aesthetic for this film.
    This film definitely has its negatives. I get that this is fiction but I mean come on, not even Harry Houdini could travel down a high speed river for 48 hours with two little children and a can't see because they have to keep a blindfold on. On paper in a book it's alright but then seeing it as a visual it's kinda like “you’ve got to be kidding me right”. Yes Sandra Bullock is amazing but do they really expect me to believe that she can do that even if it is a fiction? One thing about this movie is if you haven't read the book and you don't know anything about the story you’ll be asking so many questions throughout. Not everything is clear as they show it in the movie and I myself got confused at times which says something because I am a genius and I know absolutely everything.


  21. Modern Day Music

    Music can have many aesthetic qualities along with some cons. That being said, modern day hip hop is mind blowing in many opinions. There are all these layered sounds putting us into a place we've never felt before. Nonetheless the music that makes us wanna put in plugs too. There's so many different genres of modern day hip hop. At first I wasn't even sure where to begin listening.
    I decided to go about my day listening to a highschool students array of music. First I listened to some TRAP music because I wanted to get motivated for an afternoon run. I loved the introduction but I paused it within 60 seconds, thinking to myself, how could some of these fellows cuss out so much? Its like they forgot the meaning of these vulgar words. Its almost like “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” These rappers are rambling on about having all these fine ladies beside them, what kind of money they have in their possession, or what they're going to do if someone messes around with them, but never really show affection for the woman herself. I must say I left that playlist fast.
    That being said I stepped away from the trap junk because “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” So I decided to look into better quality music. I wanted to seek out some artists who were more melodic and inspired to make you feel deep in thought. These Melodic mixtures seem to be able to do many things such as uplift, reassure, and inspire anyone willing to listen. With all the Different artists creating different flows and vibes It's easy to get lost in what your listening too. You could be inspired in a positive manner as well as a negative one. We could have nice cars, nice clothes, and awesome events to perform at. That being said, since social media is taking over the world everyone is getting to know more about the music industry day by day and getting negatively influenced as well. Watching young men hold guns, dancing to these songs with profanity and drug use. They seem to be oblivious because they are to focused on popularity and thriving to have that star lifestyle. I've realized these days, “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Everybody feeds off each other too much and seems to not be expanding and improving the art of Music. Overall Ill just stick to my classic Jazz
